Saturday, January 22, 2011

Fastest Processor IBM - Z196

Hi Friends if u have been asked what is the fastest processor that u ever have? I think most of u would have the answer Intel or many other processors.But if you dont say that IBM - Z196 is the fastest processor in the market then u r wrong.

Now I will let u know few details about IBM - Z196.Z enterprize of IBM brought this system product in the market named IBM-Z196.Now listen why its fastest? It has 1.4 Billion transistor.can u imagine....!!! Not only that it can process 50 billion installation process per second
. with 1.4 billion transistor it also contains 45 nm CMOS fabrigated with cillicon and isulator.You may have a question in your mind what is the spped of this awesome product..!!! yeah Its speed 5.2 GHz. Z-196 has 4 core and with every ccore there is a instruction cache these are...64kb I1 instructon cash, 128 Kb I1 and 1.5 MB I2 cach.

Its power: It can execute 5 operation per clock pulse nd can decode 3 instrtruction as well.
Cost: To Build this processor 1.5 billon $(us) was needed nd made in New-York.

Sunday, January 16, 2011

Zotac H55U3 WiFi mini-ITX Motherboard for HTPC, USB 3.0

Accessories Zotac has developed a new mini-ITX motherboard , namely the Zotac H55U3 WiFi . It is designed for home media centers, HTPC , and multimedia desktop computers in small form factor. The Zotac H55U3 WiFi is based on Intel H55 chipset and allows for Core i3, i5 and i7 processor (LGA 1156 Socket)

You Can Also Think Great


Try it. You can’t do wrong wrong.
Here’s how to use 180° Thinking against a challenge or opportunity
that you face:

Step 1. Identify some of the directions of thought that are typically
used when thinking through such a situation.

Step 2. Push your thinking in the opposite direction. If you’re working
in a realm where you can isolate very definable traits or characteristics,
sometimes it’s helpful to write down those attributes,
then next to each one write down the “untribute” (as I call it).
For example: Cold/hot. Big/small. Open/shut. Yes, there are some
attributes that are not so easy to reverse, like oat-flavored, rectangular, or
French. In cases like that, just think “not oat-flavored,” “not rectangular,”
“not French.”

Step 3. Now that you’ve identified the 180° possibilities, go with the
flow. Work with the concept of “small,” even though “big” is the
accepted attribute. Work with “not rectangular” if what you’re
dealing with is rectangular. If not rectangular, then what? Round?
Oval? Triangular? Shaped like the continental United States? It’s
that easy.

Detailed Syllabus

Detailed Syllabus of M Sc (COMPUTER Sc.) –2nd Semester

M201: Advanced Software Engineering

Software Engineering Fundamentals, Software Life Cycle Standards, Software Requirements Analysis & Specification, Software Process, Software Design, Case Tools.

Testing Techniques and Strategies, Testing Techniques and Strategies, Software Project Management, Software Maintenance, Software Reengineering Software Quality and Metrics, Object Oriented Software Engineering, Software Quality Assurance.


Roger S Pressman- Software Engineering.

Ian Somerville – Software Engineering.

P Jalote – An Integrated Approach to Software Engineering.

M202: Computer Communication and Networking

Brief review of LAN concepts. Wireless LAN (IEEE 802.11, Blue Tooth). Connecting devices (Repeaters, Hubs, Bridges etc). Cellular telephones. Internetworking, Addressing and routing principles. Network layer protocols (ARP, ICMP, IPV4, IPV6, ICMPV6).

Unicast and Multicast routing protocols (RIP, OSPF, B6P, I6MP, Multicast trees). TCP and UDP. Congestion control and quality of service. Client server model: Socket interface. Domain wave system (DWS). Electronic mail and file transfer protocols (SMTP, FTP), HTTP and WWW.


B.Forouzan – Data Communication and Networking

A Tanenbaum – Computer Networks.

M203: Microprocessors
and microcontrollers:

8086 - Architecture and Organization, Instruction Set, Assembly Language Programming, Memory Interfacing, Data Transfer Techniques, I/O Ports, Interfacing, Programmable Interrupt and DMA Controllers, Serial Mode Data Transfer, Programmable Timer/Counter, Designing Microprocessor Based Systems.

8051 MICROCONTROLLER - Comparison of microprocessor and micro controller, architecture, pin function, CPU timings and machine cycle, internal memory organization, pc and stack, i/p-o/p ports, counters and timers, serial data i/p-o/p, interrupts. Instruction set, addressing modes, Programming 8051, programming timers, asynchronous serial data communication, timer and hardware interrupt, service routine.

External memory and memory address decoding, memory mapped I/O, time delay subroutines, look-up tables implementation, interfacing matrix keyboard and seven segment display through scanning and interrupt driven programmes, interfacing A/D and D/A converters using handshake signals and waveform generation interfacing with 8255 i/p-o/p, parallel printer. Examples and overview of advanced microcontrollers like 80196


Barry B Brey - The Intel Microprocessors: 8086/8088, 80186, 80286, 80386, 80486, Pentium, Pentium

Pro, Pentium II, Pentium III, Pentium 4, Seventh Edition, © 2005, Prentice-Hall.

Ayala - Microcontroller and applications

Myke Predko - Customizing and programming 8051


Static Web Pages Web Pages - types and issues, tiers; comparisons of Microsoft and java technologies, WWW-Basic concepts, web client and web server, http protocol (frame format), universal resource locator (URL), HTML- different tags, sections, image & pictures, listings, tables, frame, frameset, form.

Dynamic Web Pages and XML - The need of dynamic web pages; an overview of DHTML, cascading style sheet (css), comparative studies of different technologies of dynamic page creation, XML.

Java Script - Data types, variables, operators, conditional statements, array object, date object, string object.

Java Servlet - Servlet environment and role, HTML support, Servlet API, The servlet life cycle, Cookies and Sessions.

Text and Audio - Text: Types of Text, Ways to Present Text, Aspects of Text Design, Character, Character Set, Codes, Unicode, Encryption; Audio: Basic Sound Concepts, Types of Sound, Digitizing Sound, Computer Representation of Sound (Sampling Rate, Sampling Size, Quantization), Audio Formats, Audio tools, MIDI

Image and Video - Image: Formats, Image Color Scheme, Image Enhancement; Video: Analogue and Digital Video, Recording Formats and Standards (JPEG, MPEG) Transmission of Video Signals, Video Capture, and Computer­ based Animation.

Java Applets - Applet Life Cycle, Applet Programming, AWT package and SWING

PHP Programming - Array functions, Calendar functions, Date functions, Directory functions, File system functions, FTP functions, HTTP functions, Mail functions, Math functions, Misc functions, MySQL functions, String functions


S.Spainhour, R.Eckstein "Webmaster in a Nutshell" 2nd ed. O'Reilly.

M.Hall, L.Brown "Core Web Programming" Prentice Hall.

Dietel and Dietel “ Internet and World Wide Web – How to Program” - Pearson

M211: Laboratory 3

C++ and Computer Networks.

M212: Laboratory 4

Internet Technologies – HTML, XHTML, XML, Java Script, JSP, PHP


1. what is s/w engineering?
2. What is Software?
3. classify Different types of software product.
4. Write down The Advantages of ganeric over bespoke.
5. What is The difference betwwen s/w engineering and computer science?
6. What is The difference betwwen s/w engineering and system engineering?
7. What is s/w process?
8. What are the attributes of Good s/w model?
9. Water Fall Model and Bohem's spiral Model.
10. Evolutionary Model.
11. Risk Management.
12. System Engineering.